From the editor:

It was a pleasure to see many of you at MEXTESOL's 42nd International Convention in Cancun in November. We are finishing up the year with our fourth issue and present our readers with two non-refereed articles and a variety of non-refereed articles from authors in Japan, Mexico and the United States. We also map out what we will be doing in the MEXTESOL Journal for our 40th Anniversary in 2016.

Since idioms are exceedingly common in English (there are over 10,000 of them), they are often ignored when teaching vocabulary. The refereed article 'Teaching and Learning Idioms in L2: From Theory to Practice' by Zorana Vasiljevic (Bunkyo University, Japan) examines the role of idioms in English, discusses their position in discourse theory, and encourages readers to teach them more explicitly using some of the suggested practical activities.
Another refereed article for this issue is 'Raising EFL Pragmatic Awareness in Situations which Require a Speech Act: Requests' by Verónica Pimienta Rosales and Joel Alejandro Barragán Quintero, both from the Universidad de Guadalajara. This article explores speech acts as a way to help students use them in interpersonal relations. It also examines how formal practice can change learners' production of more varied requests.

Peter Sayer (The University of Texas at San Antonio) has contributed his article titled 'A Response to the Sorry Report on the State of the PNIEB and English Language Education in Mexican Public Schools'. In early 2015, Mexicanos Primero published a research report on the state of English language teaching and learning in Mexico. Peter Sayer analyzes the report's strengths and weaknesses, and offers a response to the findings. We invite any other authors to submit their opinions in response to Peter's article.

Well known to many of us in the profession, Paul Davies has been involved in ELT in Mexico for the past fifty years. He is a Co-founder and Past President of the MEXTESOL Association, textbook author, contributor to our journal, and among the original editors of our Journal. As such, he has witnessed the growing professionalization of English language teaching in this country. In the interview titled '50 Years of TESOL in Mexico: An Interview with Paul Davies', Amanda K. Wilson (Universidad de Guanajuato) interviews Paul on the evolution of ELT in Mexico.

Next, Josefina C. Santana presents 'Gamification: What, Why, and How (Part 2)' which continues on with the incorporation of game elements into non-game situations. This second installment discusses different ways gamification is being integrated into the second-language classroom, either as a part of the class, or as an essential element.

Lastly, we invite you to read the brief article titled 'From the MEXTESOL Journal's 40th Anniversary Committee' for more information on how we are planning for the 40th Anniversary in 2016. We would also like to encourage you to participate in our 40th Anniversary and to join us at the 43rd MEXTESOL International Convention in Monterrey from October 27-30, 2016. Be a part of our celebration of forty years!

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MEXTESOL Journal, vol. 39, núm. 4, 2015, es una Publicación cuadrimestral editada por la Asociación Mexicana de Maestros de Inglés, MEXTESOL, A.C., Versalles 15, Int. 301, Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico, Tel. (55) 55 66 87 49, Editor responsable: M. Martha Lengeling. Reserva de Derechos al uso Exclusivo No. 04-2015-092112295900-203, ISSN: 2395-9908, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional de Derecho del Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número: Asociación Mexicana de Maestros de Inglés, MEXTESOL, A.C. JoAnn Miller, Versalles 15, Int. 301, Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Fecha de última modificación: 30/11/2015. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura del editor de la publicación. Se autoriza la reproducción total o parcial de los textos aquí­ publicados siempre y cuando se cite la fuente completa y la dirección electrónica de la publicación.


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